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   بینائی جا رہی ھے تیری راہ تکتے تکتے

Yaqoob tu ni hun magar phr b ae yar -a-mann,

benaie ja rehi hy teri rah takty takty

Sad Poetry – Expressing Deep Emotions Through Words

sadness is a feeling, every heart feel it sometime in life ,poetry make these words so beautiful ,sad poetry sad separation,and describe the feeling of loneliness which are in the depth
of heart.
urdu poetry always best source of telling the feelings, especially when we talk about sad poetry in
urdu text.2 line sad poetry beside short content but have specific magical effects.
this poetry is for those people who search his sadness in their words and want to describe his feelings in beatiful ways.
if you are interested in urdu poetry then here you will find poetry according to your desire.
and if you want to heart tuching sad poetry than conneted with deepwordspoetry and share it to others.

sad poetry in urdu

کسے کو گر سے نکلتی مل گہی منزل،

کوئی عمر بھر رہا میر ترہا سفر مین۔

لوگوں کو فری افطاری کروائی جاتی ہے
کی وفا امھمّد سے تو نے تو ہم تیرے ہیں

kece ko gar sy niklty e mil gahi manzal,

koie umerbhr raha meri traha safar main.

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